Business Services

  • We are committed to providing exceptional business services to support the innovative educational programs which serve the students, staff and families of our district. Please feel free to call, or stop by during business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. We look forwarding to meeting you!

    If you need assistance with any business-related services, please contact the business office personnel listed below:

    Krystle Johnson - 707-765-4306 - Krystle can help you with deposits into your student's accounts. Krystle can also answer questions from staff regarding business office timelines, reimbursements and other business-related topics. 

    Denise Irving - 707-765-4324 - Denise can assist you with questions regarding your payroll or benefits. During open enrollment periods, she can answer your questions about plans and coverage. Denise would also be happy to show you how to use the employee portal in Escape, so that you can monitor your personal information and make requests for changes. 

    Mary Lou Ramirez - 707-765-4328 - Mary Lou will assist you with developer fee and facility use application and payments.

    Amelia Higgins - 707-765-4325 - Call Amelia with questions regarding Classified Substitutes. 


    General Obligation Bonds on your property tax bill

    Old Adobe Union School District has two General Obligation Bonds that appear on the property tax bills of property owners within the District boundaries. General Obligation Bonds (G.O. Bonds) do not have exemptions for rate payers. Only parcel taxes have exemptions for rate payers and Old Adobe Union School District does not have any parcel taxes.