- Old Adobe Union Sch District
- About the Kids Care Expanded Learning Program
Kids Care Expanded Learning
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24/25 Enrollment Update
Intent to Enroll forms for the Kids Care Expanded Learning Program 24/25 will be available to the greater school community and incoming families at 10am on Monday, April 15th. At that time, they will be available on the website here to print or to fill in digitally, and they will also be available in hard copy at each Kids Care program. Site Managers will be on site at their program to assist. Forms retrieved from the website may be submitted in hard copy or via email. If you have trouble accessing the forms online, please email your school's Kids Care Site Manager to let them know. Site Managers will not be accepting forms from non-returning families before 10am on Monday, April 15th.
Intent to Enroll Form (English)
intención de inscripción 2024-25 (Spanish)
Forms may be submitted in hard copy or via email to your school's Kids Care Site Manager (see email below). If you have trouble accessing the forms, please email your school's Kids Care Site Manager to let them know.
Our program size is wholly dependent upon staffing; enrollment cannot be guaranteed.
Please see the Enrollment tab for additional information about our 24/25 Enrollment process.
Kids Care Expanded Learning Program Locations & Site Manager Contact Information:
La Tercera Kids Care
1600 Albin Way, Petaluma, CA 94954
Site Manager: Cynthia Granato
Loma Vista Kids Care
207 Maria Dr, Petaluma, CA 94954
Site Manager: TBD
Miwok Valley Kids Care
1010 St. Francis Drive, Petaluma, CA 94954
Site Manager: Connie Gibbs
Old Adobe Kids Care
2856 Adobe Road, Petaluma, CA 94954
Site Manager: Ariana Schwalbenberg
Sonoma Mountain Kids Care
1900 Rainier Cir, Petaluma, CA 94954
Site Manager: Vickie Kubeck
Child Development Department:
Child Development Office
Loma Vista Immersion Academy
207 Maria Drive, Petaluma, CA 94954
Child Development Departmental Secretary
Vanessa Sandoval
Child Development Program Coordinator
Sue Perkins
Director of Child Development
Rebecca Hachmyer
About the Kids Care Expanded Learning Program
The OAUSD Kids Care Expanded Learning Program includes the Kids Care Before School Program, the Kids Care Expanded Learning After School Program, and the Kids Care Intersession and Summer Programs. It is our goal to provide a cohesive learning and care experience for OAUSD students and families, in order to support and augment the learning that takes place in the classroom.The Kids Care Before School, After School, and Intersession and Summer Programs provide high quality care, academic support, and enrichment to students in TK-6 grade in informal learning settings. Guided by the principles of Self-Determination Theory , the program is designed to foster students’ feelings of confidence, creativity, competence, and community. Our Site Managers, Instructional Assistants, and Campus Aides work closely with OAUSD teachers and staff to best meet each and every student’s academic, social-emotional, physical, and behavioral needs using an equity-, trauma-, and PBIS-informed lens.
The After School Program runs at all five campuses of OAUSD. The program is open from dismissal to 6:00pm every day that school is in session, with the exception of three early release days annually when we close for professional development. The three days that Kids Care will be closed for professional development in 22/23 are: 12/22/22, 5/12/23, and 5/26/23. These three days are Minimum Days. Dismissal on these days is 11:50am for all schools except Miwok Valley, where dismissal is 11:45am.
The Before School Program currently runs at select school sites but is open to all OAUSD students.
- La Tercera Elementary: The program opens at 6:30am every day that school is in session.
- Loma Vista Immersion Academy: No program at Loma Vista, but students may enroll at La Tercera and be bused to school.
- Miwok Valley Elementary Charter: The program opens at 6:30am every day that school is in session.
- Old Adobe Elementary Charter: The program opens at 7:15am every day that school is in session.
- Sonoma Mountain Elementary Charter: No program at Sonoma Mountain, but students may enroll at Miwok Valley and be bused to school.
Intersession and Summer Programs are intended to provide expanded learning and care to students for 30 days when school is not in session. These programs are currently under development.
The size of each of our Kids Care programs is dependent upon staffing. We Are Hiring! Our programs maintain a ratio of 20:1 or better, with the goal of 10:1 for TK/K students.
Kids Care is not a drop-in program and, regrettably, we are unable to accommodate spur-of-the-moment schedule modifications or child care emergencies.
Our current Program Handbook can be found here. Updates to our handbook to better reflect our program values are coming soon!
Our Mission:
The OAUSD Child Development Department is dedicated to life-long learning, to continuous growth as educators, and to providing preschool and school-age children with safe, accessible, culturally competent, enriching, educational experiences in formal and informal learning settings. We commit to supporting students to feel motivated, curious, and inspired to pursue their passions. We commit to fostering children’s high engagement and safe behaviors in learning. We strive to partner with families and caregivers by providing resources and an environment that helps them to feel excited to leave their child(ren) in our care. We work alongside families, classroom educators, and additional stakeholders to do our best to meet the needs of each and every child.
Our Approach:
The OAUSD Child Development Department is guided by Self Determination Theory. This theory of motivation states that an individual of any age will feel more motivated to engage in an activity or task if the individual is supported to feel 1) competent to complete it, 2) connected to others in doing it, and 3) like they have some control over the situation through choice and voice. Meeting these important three basic psychological needs of competence, connectedness, and control helps to foster an individual’s well-being, goal orientation, and strong sense of self. At all levels of organization within our department, we consider the role that self-determination theory can play in cultivating community and success.
Our Values:
The Child Development Department of OAUSD believes in respecting children as full human beings with beliefs, goals, valid emotions, and rich inner lives. We are committed to inclusivity, representation, working toward decolonizing education, recognizing families’ funds of knowledge, and to respecting traditionally-excluded communities within and beyond our District. We celebrate radical body positivity, LGBTQIA+ Pride, neurodiversity, and social justice. We honor children: their interests, their lived experiences, their full identities, and their personal growth. We acknowledge that the Old Adobe Union School District is a guest on the land of the Lekatuit Nation, speakers of the Coastal Miwok language and often known as the Coast Miwok people. This institution is an equal-opportunity provider.
About the Kids Care Expanded Learning Program Funding Sources
The Kids Care Expanded Learning Program operations rely on a combination of grants (below) as well as family payments. Thank you for your support in keeping our program running strong in the service of families.
The Kids Care Programs at La Tercera Elementary and Miwok Valley Elementary are recipients of the ASES grant, which subsidizes some of the programming at those two school sites:
“The After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program is the result of the 2002 voter-approved initiative, Proposition 49. This proposition amended California Education Code (EC) Section 8482 to expand and rename the former Before and After School Learning and Safe Neighborhood Partnerships Program. The ASES Program funds the establishment of local after school education and enrichment programs. These programs are created through partnerships between schools and local community resources to provide literacy, academic enrichment and safe constructive alternatives for students in transitional kindergarten through ninth grade (K–9)[....]
First priority enrollment is given to students who are identified by the program as homeless youth or as being in foster care (EC sections 8483[c][1][A] and 8483.1[d][1]A])."
Students enrolled in our ASES programs are asked to participate in expanded learning for the full program hours. However, we are in full support of those instances when a child's reasonable early release from the program or late arrival to the program is in their best interest. Our ASES Early Release Policy can be found here.
For the 2023/24 school year, the Kids Care Expanded Learning Program at Miwok Valley is participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. This program provides a 5-component "supper" that follows the nutrition guidelines established by the program.
"The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program that provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults who are enrolled for care at participating child care centers, day care homes, and adult day care centers. CACFP also provides reimbursements for meals served to children and youth participating in afterschool care programs, children residing in emergency shelters, and adults over the age of 60 or living with a disability and enrolled in day care facilities. CACFP contributes to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children and adults in the United States."
Beginning in 2021/22 the Kids Care Expanded Learning Program is the recipient of Expanded Learning Opportunities Program funding to provide expanded learning access to unduplicated students.
“The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides funding for afterschool and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through sixth grade. ‘Expanded learning’ means before school, after school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences. It is the intent of the Legislature that expanded learning programs are pupil-centered, results driven, include community partners, and complement, but do not replicate, learning activities in the regular school day and school year [....]
LEAs that receive ELO Program funding at the lower funding rate pursuant to EC Section 46120(d)(1)(C) will be required to offer the ELO Program to all TK/K-6 classroom based unduplicated pupils and provide program access to any TK/K-6 classroom-based unduplicated pupil upon parent/guardian request."
CACFP Program Non-Discrimination Statement:
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: https://www.usda.gov/sites/default/files/documents/ad-3027.pdf, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or -
(833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or -
This institution is an equal opportunity provider