- La Tercera Elementary
- District Resources
Google Classroom Clever SSO Keyboarding Without Tears
IXL FossWeb Accelerated Reader
Library Catalog Lexia Core 5 RAZ Kids
SBAC Practice Treasures Tesoros
AR Bookfinder CPM Textbooks Mi Write
Spelling City Typing Web AR Home Connect
Got a Question? - Ask OAUSD Students a question
Got an Answer? - Answer an OAUSD Student questionVideo Tutorial:
Video (Many subjects, and math exercises) - Khan Academy
Science & History:
Biographies - Biographies for Kids
Video, Picture, Articles - U.S. Geological SurveyWebCams of the World:
Yosemite - National Park Service
International Space Station (ISS) - Space Webcam
Monterey Bay Aquarium - Aquarium and Wildlife