


    For more Board Agendas please follow this link at GAMUTonline

    New agendas must be posted at least 72 hours prior to the next scheduled meeting. Documents and materials relating to an open session agenda item are provided to the Board at least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting and are available for public inspection at www.oldadobe.org.

    Once our agendas have been published, you can access them on the homepage of our website at www.oldadobe.org, under "Find it Fast". Click on "Current Board Meeting Agenda".  Additionally, agendas can be found on our webpage by clicking on the "District" tab, then on the "Board of Education" tab, then on "Meeting Agendas and Minutes".  Archived Meetings and Agendas are found here. We now use GAMUT Online Meeting agendas.


    The purpose of the consolidated motion is to expedite Governing Board's actions on all consent agenda items that are not held for discussion.  Items held, and thereby excluded from the consent agenda, will be acted upon individually.  Items that have been held for discussion by the Governing Board, staff, or members of the public, will be acted upon at the time the item is discussed.   Any item(s) can be held for discussion, removed, or deleted from the Agenda at the request of a Board Member.

    Any Board member or member of the public may request that a matter within the jurisdiction of the Board be placed on the agenda of a regular meeting. The request shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent or designee with supporting documents and information, at least one and one-half weeks before the scheduled meeting date. Items submitted less than a week before the scheduled meeting date may be postponed to a later meeting in order to allow sufficient time for consideration and research of the issue.

    The Board president and Superintendent shall decide whether a request from a member of the public is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. Items not within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board may not be placed on the agenda. In addition, before placing the item on the agenda, the Board president and Superintendent shall determine if the item is merely a request for information or whether the issue is covered by an existing policy or administrative regulation.

    The Board president and Superintendent shall also decide whether an agenda item is appropriate for discussion in Open Session or Closed Session and whether the item should be an action item subject to Board vote or an information item that does not require immediate action. 


    The Old Adobe School District Board of Trustees has established these procedures to encourage as many stakeholders as possible to provide comments and input on important decisions facing our schools. To that end, we want to make it easier for any member of the community to participate. The Board truly values the time and effort the public puts into the comment process.

    These procedures were reviewed and are in full compliance with the Brown Act, Board Policies, and the California Education Code. The Board reserves the right to modify these procedures as necessary to conduct an effective meeting in the public interest.

    Members of the public are encouraged to attend Board meetings and to address the Board concerning any item on the agenda or within the Board's jurisdiction. The agenda shall provide members of the public with the opportunity to address the Board on any agenda item before or during the Board's consideration of the item. However, the agenda need not provide an opportunity for public comment when the agenda item has previously been considered at an open meeting of a committee comprised exclusively of Board members, provided that members of the public were afforded an opportunity to comment on the item at that meeting and that the item has not been substantially changed since the committee considered it. (Government Code 54954.3) Additionally, each person may only speak once per agenda topic and public comment is only open once per agenda item and not again after the board deliberates. 

    The agenda for a regular Board meeting shall also provide members of the public with an opportunity to provide comment on matters which are not on the agenda but which are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. (Education Code 35145.5; Government Code 54954.3) The Board shall take no action or discussion on any item not appearing on the posted agenda, except as authorized by law. (Education Code 35145.5; Government Code 54954.2) Without taking action, Board members or district staff members may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed by the public about items not appearing on the agenda. Additionally, on their own initiative or in response to questions posed by the public, a Board or staff member may ask a question for clarification, make a brief announcement, or make a brief report on his/her own activities. (Government Code 54954.2)

    A person wishing to be heard by the Board shall first be recognized by the president and shall then proceed to comment as briefly as the subject permits.

    Individual speakers shall be allowed up to three minutes to address the Board on each agenda or non-agenda item. The Board shall limit the total time for public input on each item to 30 minutes. With Board consent, the Board president may increase or decrease the time allowed for public presentation, depending on the topic and the number of persons wishing to be heard. The president may take a poll of speakers for or against a particular issue and may ask that additional people speak only if they have something new to add.

    In order to ensure that non-English speakers receive the same opportunity to directly address the Board, any member of the public who utilizes a translator shall be provided at least twice the allotted time to address the Board unless simultaneous translation equipment is used to allow the Board to hear the translated public testimony simultaneously. (Government Code 54954.3)

    Members of the public can also submit public comment cards at the actual meeting in person or may participate in the webinar by raising their hand at the appropriate time.


    Board agendas are very full and time is limited. With Board consent, the President may adjust the time allowed for public comment, depending on the topic, to the following:

    • 1-10 speakers = up to 3 minutes
    • 11-15 speakers = 2 minutes
    • 16-20 speakers = 1.5 minutes
    • 21+ speakers = 1 minute


    When the Board President calls for public comment, participants who wish to speak can raise their hand using the feature selected at the bottom of the Zoom screen. Your name will be called when it is your turn to speak and you will be moved over to camera view.  The moderator will allow you to unmute your microphone.