• My Amazing School 

    by Kalen Clemmens


    My school is the coolest school in the world. Sonoma Mountain Elementary School is fantastic for many reasons. At this school, we have great teachers, an incredible staff, special events, and cool educational programs.


    First off, we have exceptional teachers and staff. This school has nice teachers and the staff is awesome. At Sonoma Mountain Elementary School we have very nice yard duties, funny and respectful janitors, and strong and funny P.E. teachers. All of the teachers here take learning very seriously.Also, our principal is very enthusiastic about learning because learning is key.


    In addition, special events are a big part of this school. We have Friday Fun Nights where you can play Bingo on Bingo Night or you can watch a movie on Movie Night. Also, we have assemblies like a community gathering. A community gathering is where all of the classes gather in the courtyard and our principal celebrates birthdays, recognizes students for standing out and being good, and tells us what is going on this week. Assemblies also include author visits and the Casa Grande Band come to perform at our school.


    Finally, Sonoma Mountain has very cool programs. Our school has after enrichments such as, chorus, Lego club, and Girls on the Run. Also, during school, we have art with Ms.Yurth. Art with Ms.Yurth is where you can paint, color, and glue pictures. Our school also has Mr.Martin who teaches music for us. In addition, we have The Write Tools program. The Write Tools helps us write paragraphs and essays. In fact, it's helping me write this essay right now!


    Clearly, if you are looking for a fantastic school to go to, Sonoma Mountain Elementary School is the place for you. You will have remarkable teachers, special events at least once a week, and get to use some very cool educational programs. So stop wasting time and come on and join the Sonoma Mountain Elementary family!


    My Amazing School 

    by Abigail Busch


    What is the name of the best school in Petaluma, California? Sonoma Mountain Elementary School is fantastic for many reasons. At our school we have awesome teachers and staff, exciting fun events, and some very cool programs.


    To begin with, at our school we have great teachers and staff. We have a marvelous principal named Ms.Gochberg. When she walks into the classroom she always has a smile on her face. There are wonderful office ladies who work at the front desk in the office. They check you in when you are late, and they make sure you have your needs such as your snack or your lunch. Our librarian, Ms.Angela is a cheerful and kind person. She is always getting new books that we ask her to get for us to read. Mr. Richie and Mr. Marky are our P.E. teachers. They are always thinking of fun games that include exercise.


    In addition, there are lots of special events at our school. We have Friday Fun Nights which are filled with games and fun. Friday fun nights can be Bingo night,movie night, the Harvest festival, etc. At Sonoma Mountain we have days when you wear spirit wear. Spirit wear is when you were fun things to school like your school colors. At some points of the year, you wear silly socks. We also have crazy hair day and crazy hat day. There are assemblies that could range from authors visiting to a magic show. We have a week that is called Art Adventure Week where you get to do art all week. You go to different classrooms and do art projects. After Art Adventure Week, there is a big art show where you see your artwork and your friend's.


    Finally, our school has fantastic programs. There is a music program through all of our grades. Fifth and sixth play in the band, while the other grades play keyboards,song flutes, xylophones, and so on. We have spectacular Write Tools that help us write marvelous paragraphs or essays. The Write Tools is so amazing. It helped me write this essay.The Write Tools helps me and other people focus on the important parts of writing. For example, it helps us focus to stay on topic. There is monthly art with a lady named Ms. Yurith. She teaches us about different artists and thinks up fabulous art projects that relate to the artists art.


    Obviously, although there are thousands of schools in the world, the best one by far is Sonoma Mountain Elementary School. You'll have great teachers and staff, lots of special events, and you will get to use very cool educational programs. So what are you waiting for... get online and sign up for our school!


    My Amazing School 

    by Eliza Bell

    If you come to Sonoma Mountain School, you're sure to like it! Sonoma Mountain Elementary School is fantastic for many reasons. We have great teachers and PTA, all kinds of cool ways to learn, and fun programs and activities.
    To begin with, we have amazing teachers and PTA. Our marvelous teachers range from kindergarten to 6th grade. Not to mention our joyful principal, Mrs. Gochberg. She always has a smile on her face! We also have our amazing PTA. PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association. The PTA helps with events such as nights where you go to Cal - Skate, a skating place, dine - and - donates like Mary's Pizza Shack, Sonoma Mountain Pizza, and Chipotle, a mexican restaurant. Our school is lucky to have such a delightful office staff. They help you find a ride home, and the nurse that works in the office can heal any injuries or sickness.

    Furthermore, there are all kinds of great learning programs. The teachers here are best when it comes to helping their class learn! You can learn math, science, writing, and more. In some grades, you get to do math games that are very fun, and at the same time teach you. Science can teach lots of fun facts. In writing, you can write paragraphs, essays, documents, and more. In reading, you can take AR reading goal tests, and sometimes read aloud with your teachers.

    Equally important, you get to do all kinds of fun programs and activities. Mr. Martin, our music teacher, teaches all grades different types of instruments. You can also join the drama and acting club with the teacher, Mr. Rupiper. Chorus is also available with several other teachers. Not only are there fun programs, but cool activities too, such as monthly art with Mrs. Yurth. Soul shoppe is another fun program where you can talk about ways to make the world a happier place. Every Wednesday we have running club. Running club is a fun activity where you can run laps around our field. If you run a mile, you earn a small foot charm to put on a necklace. On certain days, we have P.E with our hardworking teachers, Mr. Marky and Mr. Richie.


    Clearly, if you come to Sonoma Mountain Elementary School, you are in for an amazing experience! Our helpful and cheerful teachers and PTA, great educational learning programs, and all kinds of fun programs and activities make it easy to love this school. Coming to Sonoma Mountain Elementary school would be great for you or your child!