The curriculum focus at Sonoma Mountain Elementary Charter School is aligned with the Common Core State Standards.  Teachers have high expectations for student learning and achievement, and they emphasize the importance of a strong academic foundation in reading, writing, mathematics, social studies, science, and critical thinking.  


    Our students use various devices including iPADs and ChromeBooks. All students work with software designed to support one or more of the curricular areas including IXL. Many students use devices for word processing and research. Keyboard skills are emphasized, and students are encouraged to practice keyboarding at home.

    The Internet is used as an educational tool and is available to all students with signed permission forms. This permission is important since our students use the Google platform along with their school email to access Google docs, and to use Google Drive. Students can access their Google account at home.


    Our library includes a rich selection of books of varying genres, up to date computers, a warm environment to read in and one of the best Library Managers you could ever imagine!  The library is open during the school day for research and classes are scheduled for visits weekly.  In addition, the library is open most mornings at 8:00 am before school and until 3:00 pm afterschool for students and families.


    All students participate in PE instruction during the week.  Classes have designated time each week with our PE Technician, and the classroom teachers provide additional instructional time.  Overall fitness, skills, and nutrition are emphasized in the program. 


    Counselor – Our school counselor is on site three days per week.  The counseling program is designed to promote positive attitudes, social skills, emotional well being, and to reinforce our school-wide Soul Shoppe Program.  The program includes classroom visits as well as small group and individual sessions; students will gain the skills needed to achieve academic and personal success.

    English Language Learner Support – English Language Learners are students who have acquired their primary listening and speaking skills in a language other than English.  Support is provided to them through our Literacy Success Model to meet their unique needs. 

    Resource Program – Special education services are provided through our resource program staffed by our RSP teacher and paraprofessional.  Qualifying students receive special help on a regular scheduled basis, according to his/her Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

    RTI – Our Response to Intervention Program provides services to teacher-identified students who need additional assistance with reading skills in all grades.

    Speech and Language – Our Speech and Language Therapists provide services in the area of language, articulation, and fluency disorders to those students who qualify.  Students must be referred by either a teacher or another staff member and then assessed by our therapists to determine qualification.