• Sonoma Mountain Elementary Charter School teaches to the whole child and is rich in the offerings of fine arts.  As part of our charter focus, all classroom curriculum is infused with the visual and performing arts.  In addition, explicit instruction includes:


    • SoMo is lucky to have our own music teacher:
      • Mr. Day teaches singing and music foundations to transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, first, and second grade students.  Second graders also explore beginning instruments.  Third grade students learn how to play the recorder and fourth graders learn song flute, ukelele, and keyboarding skills.  Transitional kindergarten through fourth graders receive music instruction once a week. 
      • Mr. Day coordinates our fifth and sixth grade instrumental band program.  Students are provided instruction in woodwind and brass focus groups and then play with the entire band.  Fifth through sixth grade students participate in band three times a week.  A small group of sixth graders participate in a guitar instruction group as their instrumental music focus.
    • All students perform music learnings and talents two to three times a school year.
    • The Sonoma Mountain Afterschool Glee Club Program for grades three through six meet once a week.  This is a voluntary and free program, and it is coordinated by Mr. Day.  The group meets on Wednesdays afterschool from 1:40 pm to 2:20 pm.
    • All students participate in our school-wide Song of the Week Program.  Students learn a new song every week, and the entire school sings together at our Friday Community Gatherings.


    • All classrooms use the Visual Thinking Strategies Program which links critical thinking and communication while observing works of art.  Every class takes a field trip to a museum to put these practices into action.
    • SoMo hosts our own Artist in Residence, Jacki Yurth.  Students receive explicit art instruction once a month from Ms. Yurth, and they explore various mediums and styles.  Art history and appreciation are integrated throughout the lessons, and the scope of instruction is connected to the California Content Standards for Visual Arts.
    • All students participate in Art Adventure Week in January every year.  This wonderful week includes workshops with local artists, screenprinting shirts, and a whole-school rotation in mixed-age groups to learn about different artists and/or mediums.  The week culminates with a school-wide art activity.
    • The Sonoma Mountain Art Show is a highlight of our students' masterpieces and creations.  This event is held every year in the spring.
    • Monthly school-wide assemblies focus on music, art, and movement.


    • We partner with Youth in Arts to provide an Artist in Residence.  Our artist, Ms. Carmen, works with all students in grades TK-6 and teach them Afro-Peruvian dances, music, and culture.  
    • The residency begins in September 2018 and will culminate at the end of October.  All classes will meet with Ms. Carmen once a week.  


    • The Sonoma Mountain Performing Arts is coordinated by parent volunteers.  All third through fourth grade students are invited to participate, and they commit to meeting two times a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays).  The group learns the foundations of drama, and they work together to perform a play for the community.  Say posted for the 2018-19 production.